Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Ethical Decision Making The Acme Way Essay - 1021 Words

Introduction Ethical Decision Making†¦ Why Do We Need It? To understand â€Å"ethical decision making† it is best to break the phrase up. What is the definition of ethics? According to the website businessdictionary.com (2011), ethics are â€Å"basic concepts and fundamental principles of right human conduct.† It stands to reason that ethical decision making is the ability to make decisions based on core or base principles of correct human conduct. We at Acme Toy Company depend on employees at all levels to make the â€Å"right† choices when it comes to business decisions and their own conduct. How do we support them in their ethical decision making? 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Acme Toy Company with two†¦show more content†¦3. Strategy #2 for Ethical Decision Making Hire Code of Ethics Compliance Manager 3.1 Purpose Purpose of the ethics compliance manager position would be to provide educational opportunities for personnel on the company code of ethics. The compliance advisor could review these with personnel when necessary. The compliance advisor would educate on how to report when there is a witnessed event of an employee who isn’t following the ethical standards set forth. Also, the manager can also provide advice if an employee is unsure of an ethical dilemma they find themselves in at work that may compromise their ethical decision making capability. 3.2 Benefit The benefit of having an ethics compliance manager is that this individual can promote and enforce ethical decision making behavior that is in line with Acme Toy Company core ethical values. He/she would have the ability to investigate when there has been a breach in the code of ethics (such as stealing company equipment) and make recommendations for change and improvement in current business practices or recommend disciplinary actions if necessary. 4. Analysis of Code of Ethics – Wal-Mart Corporation 4.1 Purpose The purpose of analyzing the Wal-Mart Corporation Code of Ethics was to understand the components necessary for the development ofShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Professional And Personal Interests Essay1303 Words   |  6 Pagesdifficult situation where decisions on a problem are faced with the issues of choosing between professional and personal interests for a person. In this assignment, I am faced with having to decide on what I should do regarding my relationship with another company after just being hired on to a construction company. When asked certain questions, I had some difficulty in deciding because of the possible outcome and people that are involved in my decision. For each of my decisions it ultimately came downRead MoreEthical Dilemmas Of A Drug Company s Regional Sales Manager1748 Words   |  7 PagesIt can be hard to make a decision, especially when an ethical dilemma is involved. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Cool (Buzzword Research Paper) Free Essays

What exactly is cool? While some slang words die the day after they are conceived, or can only be applied to a specific culture and geographical setting, cool is an ever expanding word that knows no bounds. You can find it describing the temperature of the water that comes from the right side of the faucet, or explaining why a product is something that everyone should own. It can describe the genre of music being listened to or a glance into someone’s personality. We will write a custom essay sample on Cool (Buzzword Research Paper) or any similar topic only for you Order Now Not only has it been used in a multitude of phrases across the nation, it is also one of the few slang words to have theories formed in an effort to understand it. Although, understanding the word goes beyond just knowing what it means and how it’s used, an understanding of the words origin also plays a key role. Cool has had a variety of meanings throughout time, although figuring out which was the first to be used in a slang sense varies on the sources looked at. Some say that the term’s first use is dated back to the origins of Beowulf, being used infrequently in the play by minor characters to describe the emotions of others as calm, dispassionate, or unexcited (Quinion). While this idea predates all of the other possibilities, the strongest and most prevalent speculation is that its birth was in the 1940s with the jazz age alongside the genre of cool jazz, in which, â€Å"Jazz aficionados used the term to distinguish this style from the hot jazz†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Quinion). Those who follow the idea that the term was first coined in Beowulf will agree with the popularity and increase of use during the 1940s, but will also say that the term had changed several times before, and is a cumulative result of those changes. While those supporting the belief that cool was born during the jazz age will reject the claims, state that the term was only initially used to represent the melodies of cool jazz, and didn’t become a â€Å"heavier† slang term until the mid-1940s and into the 1950s (MacAdams). Regardless of the debate over its first use, the different meanings cool undertook were across the board. Time-traveling back to the 1840s and calling someone cool could have put a smile on their face, or let them know that they needed to check their attitude. In this era it was attached to definitions such as assured, audacious, impudent, and could be found in phrases such as â€Å"Cool as a cucumber† or â€Å"A cool fish†. (Martin). Fast-forward ninety years – only a decade before the cool jazz explosion – and the word now takes a purely negative meaning thanks to its dictionary definition. According to Merriam-Webster, one of the many definitions of cool is, â€Å"Marked by steady dispassionate calmness and self-control†(Merriam-Webster). Since being dispassionate and on top of things in the ‘30s may have implied that someone was withdrawn or depressed, referring to someone as being cool was typically an insult (Gioia). It was due to this that phrases such as â€Å"A cool reception† and â€Å"A cool personality† were born. Ten years later came the birth of cool jazz, and the primary argument for the birth cool as a slang term. Only a few years beyond the jazz age in the 1950s, two new meanings for cool were born. The first held the meaning of controlled or discreet, and gave rise to phrases such as, â€Å"Stay cool†(Quinion). What is confusing however is that the second usage meant one of the following: restrained, relaxed, detached, stylish, excellent, or just about any other positive meaning, and was still used in the saying â€Å"Stay cool†(Quinion). Later on in the 1960s, the cool that meant relaxed or excellent, moved into common teen slang where it has since stayed – unaltered – for the past fifty years. Interestingly, while the word’s meanings are straight forward, its explanations for changing are not. Cool entered the English language as more than just a textbook explanation for temperature before the popularization of etymology. While most other slang words have also, their length of popularity was not as long, expansive, or as broad of a term, and because of this it makes determining the exact reason of change beyond difficult. Reasons for the changes between positive and negative connotations pre-1930s are almost nonexistent; however there is one major leading idea as to why the switch took place from the ‘30s to the ‘50s. The idea is that Black American English took the term, reversed its meaning to be positive, became popular within the black community, and was then released back into mainstream language. The only evidence to support this is that it would not have been the first occurrence, â€Å"If this is true, it wouldn’t be the first example of a type of slang construction common in modern American Black English — for example bad or wicked† (Gioia). Cool goes beyond being just another slang term; it also has its own theories based on its modern day interpretation. There are two major theories, the first being cool as a marketing device. According to PBS, this theory states that cool is a manufactured and empty idea that can be exploited by leaders of companies. These leaders control a cycle of â€Å"cooling† and â€Å"uncooling† products to create a false sense of need in the buyers mind in an effort to control the market. The second theory is cool as an elusive essence. According to Malcolm Gladwell, a writer for the Newyorker, cool is real, but an unknowable property. Cool is something that exists, but can never be obtained. This theory is defined by three major points: discovering what is cool causes cool to move on, cool can’t be made, only observed, and cool can only be seen by those who are already cool (Gladwell). The fact that cool is one of the longest lasting slang words in history promotes a lot of thought on its future uses and possibilities for change. Surprisingly, cool has avoided being sucked into professional use (as in keeping its slang meaning, but now as an acceptable reasoning for professions) and remained solely a slang term primarily used by young adults. Surviving several wars, and social evolutions, the future of cool looks ever expansive and limitless, which is cool all in itself. How to cite Cool (Buzzword Research Paper), Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Importance of Auditing and Audit Regulation

Question: Discuss about the Importance of Auditing and Audit Regulation. Answer: Introduction: The basis of Thomas Browns work, Pseudodoxia Epidemica or Vulgar Errors, was rooted in contradictory approach to the subject under study, i.e. both scientific as well as logical approach. This approach to critical analysis invited many criticisms for Browns work wherein scholars objected that scientific and logical experiences cannot be applied to approach a single subject. However, these two approaches for critical analysis aptly apply to the tenets of accounting and auditing. It is in their very nature that they follow both scientific and applied approach to the subject. Accounts can be considered both as an art and science. On one hand, accounting is defined as a system of recording financial transactions and to present the information in comprehensible manner to concerned readers (Tracy, 2011). On the other hand, it is considered as an art or behavioural knowledge of recording, classifying and summarizing financial data to attain certain objectives (Duska, Duska, and Ragatz, 2011). In a similar fashion, auditing is defined as a process of investigating the accounts and accounting information prepared by someone else and decide whether the accounts prepared or information provided is correct and fair or not (Loughran, 2010). Moreover, it involves choices and decision making based on certain standards but along with knowledge of standards, auditing al so requires reasoning skills and experiences (Dennis, 2013). This requires logic based skills and experiences to identify where the incorrect information may be given. While accounting and auditing are rule based implying that they are exact and leave no room for ambiguity, they are also principle based. These principles act as guidance and require logical reasoning, fairness and experience in their application (Dennis, 2013). Hence, an accountant/auditor is bound to make errors while practicing these subjects. In this context, vulgar error does not signify an error committed by vulgar, inferior or uneducated people. Here, it signifies an error in conduct or understanding committed by a well educated person who knows the implications of committing such errors (Kennedy and Boyd, 1870). The accountants and auditors commit errors when they try to frame the issues as one of desirable conformity to widespread norms. They change or force their analysis or judgement to meet the requirements of the clients (Duska, Duska, and Ragatz, 2011). Doing what is methodologically correct and doing what is expected are two different things that require practical know ledge and understanding of the accounting practices as well as the accountants or auditors applied understanding of the context in which the reports are being analyzed. Hence, the vulgar error is seen in behaviour of accountants and auditors that make the evaluation unreliable. Therefore, it can be concluded that an accounting as well as auditing, both are based of exact rules and reasoning. Hence, an accountant/auditor has to approach the subject in both scientific and logical manner and make decisions that are fair, keeping in view the welfare of the concerned stakeholders. Also, they have to keep in mind implications of errors, if any, made by them. Trust takes year to build, seconds to break, and forever to fix This quotation tells about the trust build up by the person in business, family or in friendship. It is the most valuable assets for the organizations.The most important thing for the organization is trust and honesty for the people working there. If the trust is broken down once then, it is difficult to fix or it takes years to build the trust again (Arens, Elder, and Beasley, 2012) So, everyone should take care about building the trust towards their work or for the successful career everyone should be trust worthy and honest towards the managers or the people working there. Moreover, time and effort is taken to build the trust on anyone but the trust can be broken in split of seconds of doing something wrong and it lets down the trust. Trust is the greatest asset for everyone as without trust no relation can work in the family, friends or in the business. The entrepreneurs who do the business in partnership they would likely do the business with the trust worthy person who is hones t towards dealing in the business. Auditors trust in relation to management relationship: Auditor is the person who checks the overall business records of the company. It is necessary to have trust worthy relationship between auditor and the client. There are three researches towards auditors trust on clients. The study examines the auditors develops trust on clients after working with the clients. Moreover, it can be identified that auditors have trust on the clients by the working experience with the clients (Atymtayeva et al., 2011). Developing trust in clients decision might affect the audit decisions. First study was done is to investigate whether the auditors trust on client affect the decision of the auditor. Lower level of trust of auditor on the client may develop the high level of risk for the management. The second research is to examine whether certified public accountants (CPAs) level of reasoning is affected by the decision to trust the management of clients and to trust them at a great extent. It shows that higher level of moral reasoning have less trust in the management of clients. The third research extends the result of the first research of examining whether the auditors trust and financial importance of clients is affected by the auditors decision of adopting clients method of recognizing sales (Dattin, 2014). These researches results the auditors need to develop trust in a clients management. Moreover, the auditor trust may affect the audit decisions of the management. There are certain ways to build trust-relationships instead of transactional relationships such as: firstly, credibility and it is about adopting technical and emotional aspects. The auditors should build trust relationships with each member in the business team by developing personal and professional credibility (Fraser, 2010). Secondly, reliability. Thirdly, intimacy has the direct impact on development, promotions and hiring and firing of business teams. Moreover, for the better development of the business the auditors should develop their trust on the team members. Martin Shkreli is an American entrepreneur and pharmaceutical executive. Martin Shkreli is the founder of hedge fund MSMB Capital management. He was born on 1st April, 1983 Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 17, he started his first internship at Cramer Berkowitz Company. During his time, he recommended short-selling of bio-tech stock on the assumption that the companys share price would drop. He launched Turing pharmaceuticals in February, 2015 as he was forced out of Retrophin (Reed, 2015). This business claimed in the treatment of diseases for which there is a limited option. Shkreli worked as an analyst for Intrepid Capital Management and UBS Wealth Management (Barua, Rama, and Sharma, 2010). Moreover, he focused to sign for audit at kalobios pharmaceuticals. Marcum also audited Retrophin including RTRX, the audit reports were not qualified or modified at any way. He was the CEO of the company. His criminal prosecution as he was arrested by the FBI after the indictment. He was charged with securities fraud in U.S. District Court for the eastern district of New York (Arens et al., 2010). The charges were filed after the investigation into his MSMB Capital Management and Retrophin. Martin Shkreli was called as a most hated man in America. Martin Shkreli brought up 1.2 million shares in November-announced of an agreement with effectively prevents in doing anything with shares he owns (Rick, 2016). Moreover, unethical face of Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals for raising the price for Daraprim, an ant parasitic used to treat HIV patients, he brought 60-year old drug from Imax Laboratories in August for $55 million. Mark Shkreli life can be understood as a reminder for need to regulate corporates as people tend to behave unethically to fulfil their personal interests at the cost of others. His story has many lessons for corporations, shareholders, accounting and auditing. It tells that the systems and structures of accounting, auditing and markets work in harmony and are capable of correcting each other once the scam is revealed. This is exactly what happened in case of Mark Shkreli and his company. It tells that in a market economy driven by consumer welfare, corporations, especially those operating in pharmaceutical industry; have to work for the welfare of the consumers. Those corporations and managements that adopt unethical practices to maximise profit thereby neglecting their social responsibilities have to face legal implications for their malpractices. Accounting and auditing tools have an important role to play in this as they help in identifying incorrect financial information provided to the concerned stakeholders. Accounting and auditing regulations force corporations to disclose financial information to ensure the ethicality and fairness of their operations that are conducted on the basis of investors money (Harris, 2014). Hence, these tools are important to regulate the corporations that cannot be trusted to serve the public interest or behave ethically on its own. This quotation is being discussed in context of auditor and auditing. However, the auditors must be prepared to adopt the people who are worth for the job. Here, the chopping down of tree refers to the outcomes the auditors are getting by auditing. Moreover, Sharpening of axe refers to the instruments they are using for auditing in the organization. Moreover, auditing refers to examining the financial situation of the company. For setting up standards of the company audit plays an important role. The auditors should keep focus on certain measures to be a successful auditor. Preparing to perform basic financial audit: Financial auditing is to ensure the financial information of the business is true and fair. For the small entrepreneurs the main focus is on the accuracy of all expenses and revenue of the company. Formal audit involves an examination of financial statements by the third party. Regarding to the small businesses the operations are performed by Indian revenue services (IRS) as there is concerning over proper reporting. Moreover, large corporations hires the external auditors to confirm whether the financial information is valid or not for the shareholders (Louwers et al.,2013). For improving the business and protecting from IRS audit the self-auditing of the business can be adopted. Reasons should be known by the auditor for the financial audit: There are several reasons to audit regularly the companys finances. For the systematic overview of the finances CPA is hired. Moreover, financial audit ensures information is valid or not in accordance with the accounting standards. Keeping record of financial policies of existing business: The information by the auditor should be stored safely and securely in an organized manner. All the information related to bank statements, cancelled checks should be stored if any issue arises can be resolved. The procedures for auditing include the enquiry of the management and other people to gain and understand the operations, financial reporting, and known fraud error (Morris and Thomas, 2011). They also evaluate and understand the internal control system. The auditors are engaged in viewing whether companys financial statements are fairly presented. There are certain responsibility of managers underlying foundation on which audits are conducted. They should prepare, plan before taking it into the practical. There are certain responsibilities of the auditor in the financial statements in accordance with reporting framework which includes design, implementation and maintenance that are free from fraud or error. The audit practices serves as an initial guide for conducting audit for internal accounting. It is the best way for accounting practices (Muhammed and Celestina, 2014). Moreover, the businesses should protect their assets and manage their accounts. Camera systems are beneficial for execution of internal controls of business. For comprehensive accounting records the businesses are required typically to follow the law for tax purposes. The main motive of auditor is to audit the financial business records of the business, or an organization. The above quotation is to clarify about maintaining records of the company by taking in view certain measures. References Arens, A., Best, P., Shailer, G., Fiedler, B., Elder, R. and Beasley, M. (2010). Auditing, assurance services and ethics in Australia: an integrated approach. US: Pearson Education Australia. Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J. and Beasley, M.S. (2012). Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach. NY: Prentice Hall. Atymtayeva, L., Akzhalova, A., Kozhakhmet, K. and Naizabayeva, L. (2011). Development of intelligent systems for information security auditing and management: Review and assumptions analysis. In 5th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT). Barua, A., Rama, D.V. and Sharma, V. (2010). Audit committee characteristics and investment in internal auditing, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 29(5), 503-513. Dattin, C.F. (2014). The practice of statutory auditing in France: The case of Pont--Mousson and Saint-Gobain companies, Accounting History, 1-18. Retrieved from: https://ach.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/06/17/1032373214536954.full.pdf. Dennis, I. (2013). The Nature of Accounting Regulation, vol. 14. UK: Routledge. Duska, R., Duska, B. and Ragatz, J. (2011). Accounting Ethics: Foundations of Business Ethics, 2nd edn. USA: John Wiley Sons. Fraser, P.N. (2010). A single set of worldwide auditing standards: The road is long. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 7(4), 298-309. Harris, S. (2014) The Importance of Auditing and Audit Regulation to the Capital Markets, PCAOB. Retrieved from: https://pcaobus.org/News/Speech/Pages/03202014_American.aspx Kennedy, A. and Boyd, H. (1870). The Recreations of a Country Parson, 16th edn. UK: Fields, Osgood Company. Loughran, M. (2010). Auditing for Dummies. USA: John Wiley Sons. Louwers, T.J., Ramsay, R.J., Sinason, D.H., Strawser, J.R. and Thibodeau, J.C. (2013). Auditing and assurance services. NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Morris, J.T. and Thomas, C.W. (2011). Clarified Auditing Standards: The Quiet Revolution Redrafting brings both significant and subtle changes, Journal of Accountancy, 211(6), 24. Muhammed, A.M. and Celestina, E.O. (2014). The Relevance of Statutory Audit in. Reed, B. (2015) Why Martin Shkreli is the best corporate villain of all time, 17th December Retrieved from: https://bgr.com/2015/12/17/martin-shkrelis-arrest-funniest-things/ Rick, M. (2016). The Unethical Face Of Martin Shkreli, 7th February Retrieved from: https://ethicsalarms.com/2016/02/07/unethical-face-of-martin-shkreli/ Tracy, J. (2011). Accounting for Dummies. USA: John Wiley Sons.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Kennedy And Nixon Essays - Richard Nixon, Jerry Voorhis,

Kennedy And Nixon Both John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were elected to Congress in 46, a year in which the New Deal took a serious beating as the Republicans regained control of Congress on the slogan "Had Enough?" Nixon of course, had campaigned against incumbent Jerry Voorhis on an anti-New Deal platform, but it's often forgotten that when JFK first ran for the House in 1946, he differentiated himself from his Democratic primary opposition by describing himself as a "fighting conservative." In private, Kennedy's antipathy to the traditional FDR New Deal was even more extensive. When Kennedy and Nixon were sworn in on the same day, both were already outspoken on the subject of the emerging Cold War. While running for office in 1946, Kennedy proudly told a radio audience of how he had lashed out against a left-wing group of Young Democrats for being naive on the subject of the Soviet Union, and how he had also attacked the emerging radical faction headed by Henry Wallace. Thus, when Kennedy entered the House, he was anything but "progressive" in his views of either domestic or foreign policy. It didn't take long for these two to form a friendship. Both were Navy men who had served in the South Pacific, and both saw themselves as occupying the vital center of their parties. Just as JFK lashed out against the New Deal and the radical wing of the Democratic party, so too did Richard Nixon distance himself from the right-wing of the Republican party. Nixon's support of Harry Truman's creation of NATO and the aid packages to Greece and Turkey meant rejecting the old guard isolationist bent of the conservative wing that had been embodied in "Mr. Republican" Senator Robert Taft. Indeed, when it came time for Nixon to back a nominee in 1948, his support went to the more centrist Thomas E. Dewey, and not to the conservative Taft. Kennedy decided to go into politics mainly because of the influence of his father. Joe Kennedy, Jr. had been killed in the European arena of World War II and so the political ambitions of the family got placed on the shoulders of John. Nixon, however, got involved in politics by chance. While celebrating the end of the war in New York, he received a telegram from an old family friend indicating that they needed someone to run against the Democrat Jerry Voorhis. Nixon was excited by the proposition and so began his political career. One aspect of this book that really impressed me was the detail that Matthews put into describing the campaign strategies of each man. Kennedy was a man who wanted to practically buy his position. Relying almost solely upon his father's influence and money, he achieved any goal that was put forth. By donating mass amounts of money and even pinning twenty-dollar bills to the jackets of citizens, he bought his votes by any means necessary. Also, Kennedy made good use of his sex appeal. Knowing that he was handsome, he won over thousands of female voters by having "tea-parties." On the contrary, Nixon did not have an unlimited supply of money, influence or good looks. He had to rely on good campaigning and smear tactics. Nixon too tried to use war stories and the self-made image of a war vet trying to build a life for himself. This did not work as well as his other ideas, though. Nixon hired people to dig up all of the political dirt on Voorhis that was out there. Once material was found that claimed that the NC PAC endorsed Voorhis, he resented it at a clutch moment during a live debate. This shocked both the crowd and Voorhis and gave the seat in Congress to Nixon. (pgs. 36-38) The careers of Nixon and Kennedy became intertwined. Both were young congressmen who had been in the war and both had had no previous political experience. When they were both elected to the Congress in 1946 they were placed on the Board of Education and Labor together. When Nixon was elected Vice-president in 1952, Kennedy was elected a Senator and the two were assigned offices directly across from each other. Matthews does an exemplary job of showing how the two politicians were often grouped together. He focuses on the fact that they were from the same "class." He also shows how they were elected for the same positions and assigned to the same projects and became friendly with each other. Having offices adjacent to one another makes a relationship grow.